a busy mama's diary to inspire

Monday, September 16, 2013

To my kids

I couldn't sleep last night. I was thinking about life and how I'd want to be remembered (among a million other things) I realized this blog would be a journal-of- sorts to my loved ones. I want this to be something my kids can read and browse. I hope it will bring up fond memories of life, love, parties, & recipes we love.
So, today starts a day that I write to my kids & share my heart along with photos and memories and my yummy favs :)

For my kids with love
~your mama

♥First of all, I would do anything for you. ANYthing. I love you more than life itself. Always know how deep my love is for you, even when times get tough.
♥Forgive others. It is for your freedom, not the one who wronged you.
♥Love the beautiful, unique person God made you to be. You are precious in His sight.
♥The world will tell you you're not enough....enough beauty, talent, drive etc. You ARE enough. I adore the person you are.
♥Do your best... that's what makes me proud.
♥Pray. In all things. For all things. God hears and cares. He answers.
♥When you feel down, it always helps to do something for someone else. This is something I try hard to make a part of our family, so it's in you to want to bless someone.
♥Miracles are all around you. Every day. Look for them... and look harder if things look dim. If you still can't see, then I will tell you to take your beautiful lil self to a mirror so you see what I see!
♥There is always someone who would give anything to be in your shoes. Count your blessings.
♥My heart hurts when yours does. I (we) am always here for you. Your daddy and I are your biggest fans for life.
♥I will mess up. I do, daily. But I'm doing my best.
♥Let God's Word be a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path. (Psalm 119:105) He is my Rock, and I pray this for you.
♥When life is hard and you're feeling lost, Listen to Ginny Owen's "If You Want Me To." Music awakens the soul. This one has helped me more times than I can count.
♥Try your best to be a person you can be proud of when you look in the mirror.
♥Love others. It will fill your cup.
♥I started praying for each of your spouses before you were even born. Put God first and the rest will unfold as He has planned. Be with a person who would fight for you, cherish you, love you and forgive you without condition.
♥Do one thing to brighten someone's day, every day. There's always room to bless someone's heart. Even if it's just a hug or a smile.
♥You have God-given talents and passions...pursue them & find joy in those gifts!
♥your heart will get scarred. You will experience love and loss in many things in life. But, I am here through the beautiful and the ugly, the sweet and the painful. always. I will do my best to love you through it all. I promise.
♥See the beauty in each day. Life and health is a gift we should not take for granted. Do things to create a healthy life for your mind, body and soul!
♥love your siblings. I pray you protect, love and support one another always. They will be with you for more years than anyone else. Family is the most beautiful blessing.

I love you, kiddos. Thank you for the gift of being your mom. Thank you for every glue-filled, glitter-bombed creation you've poured your heart into. For the hugs and kisses that I cherish more than you'll ever know. I love you with all my heart. YOU are a treasure. xoxo

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